Day: August 29, 2024
Public perception of socialist housing among the present-day working class: from a critique of neoliberalism to a critique of capitalism [Sorin Gog & Enikő Vincze]
Paper presented on the Panel iniatied by Viziunea Socialistă (Socialist Vision): The housing question: a critical approach towards capitalism in the light of past state-socialist…
Paths of creative destruction: privatereal estate on de-industrialized spaces and prospects for public expropriationsin Romania [Ioana Florea & Enikő Vincze]
Paper presented on the Panel initiated by Viziunea Socialistă (Socialist Vision): The housing question: a critical approach towards capitalism in the light of past state-socialist…
Financial systems enabling housing regimes: from state-socialist legacies, through current capitalist trends, to future socialist alternatives [Enikő Vincze]
Presentation on the Panel proposed by Viziunea Socialistă (Socialist Vision): The housing question: a critical approach towards capitalism in the light of past state-socialist legacies…